Sunday, 15 June 2014

Smack my bitumen up

A bit technical, but stick with me.  You need to keep moisture out of the house.  Damp, water, whatever.  It needs to be kept at bay.  The challenge we face is that the retaining walls that have been built (the ones visible from the moon!) are supporting a lot of mass that can retain water.  Water as we know will find its way out of the tiniest of spaces, hence capillary action (school boy physics).

So what is called for is tons of bitumen to be plastered onto the inside faces of the retaining walls, the water will hit this and head south to the land drain and away from the house.  Hooray!

A bi-product of this is that in the photos the steps have more definition.

As you can see on the right hand side of the last two photos, still some work to do.

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